Blog Archive

Monday, January 2, 2012

things changing

2012 whaddddupppp! New Years was awesome, there was so much to do, I went to dinner with Max, Katie, and Jamie. yumyumdelish fireworks, and there was also like this hanger party in chandler, and I still had to pack like everything to take with me. I normally don't do anything crazy for this night like most people might think, but my last night in Mesa was definitely unforgettable. Especially the getting home at 330 part where my flight left at 7am which meant waking up at 5am. yayyyy fun times. But needless to say, I made it!!!
I am Finally here in Rexburg, Idaho. It's sooo crazy and way too different for words. Most of my stuff is set up and organized we just need to get a few last minute supplies from wally world (which is practically the only place to shop here depressing) I will put up some picpicsss when it's looking real good. My roommates are pretty cool considering this being BYU-idaho. Anyway, lemme say that it's like freakin' freezing here and next week is supposed to be even colder. I don't know how I'm gonna handle that. PLUS I being the clumsy little girl I am, I slip on every stupid patch of ice. Not even kidding. More adventures and stories later.
From the wide open spaces of Idahoe -lyssa birdie


  1. sooo, hows R? {protecting identities here... just in case}

  2. Nataliee! hahaha ohhhh she doesn't have any sort of technology, social networking things so you're good!!! but uhm, yeah she's.... interesting. Bless her heart.
